With the continued changes in real estate brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic, real estate hot spots are emerging all over the country. The Emerging Housing Markets Index, from by the Wall Street Journal and Realtor.com, compiled a list of the 300 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. They then analyzed the areas based on a variety of factors including quality of life and economic vitality. Below we will look at their top 10 cites - no doubt a few may (or may not) surprise you!
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Austin-Round Rock, Texas
Springfield, Ohio
Billings, Montana
Spokane, Washington
Lafayette-West Lafayette, Indiana
Reno, Nevada
Concord, New Hampshire
Manchester-Nashua, New Hampshire
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, California
We found it interesting to note that several cities are located in the midwest, along with two cities in New Hampshire! No surprise to us here to see Austin on the list, as we have seen unprecedented market growth over the last year or so.
"https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-no-1-emerging-property-market-in-america-is-not-texas-or-florida-you-may-never-even-have-heard-of-it-11619525977", Market Watch.